All posts by Kelly Kothary

FAQ – Google Analytics

FAQs – Google Analytics

Reading through the Google statistics for your site can be confusing. Let’s run through some frequently asked questions.

Why does it show pages that aren’t on my website?

It is quite normal to see results from spammer sources that distort the statistics. There are things in place to stop these results getting through but it’s not always possible to block everything. If these pages are only showing a 1-page view that’s usually a sign it’s spam. If it were a real visitor, they would only see the ‘Page Not Found’ error page. If you know it’s not a page on your site, just ignore these results.











Why you need to padlock your site

Why you need to padlock your site

Padlocking your site states that your site is secure. This is done by installing an SSL certificate on your website. But why would you want to do this?

  1. Increases Google rankings

    In 2014 Google decided to place greater emphasis on padlocked sites in their search results. Websites that are padlocked will have a much better chance of ranking higher in the search results than websites do not.

  2. It improves customer trust

    How safe would you feel if your browser warned you about a website being “not secure”? Some browsers now notify visitors when websites are not secure. This then puts doubts in their mind if it’s safe to look at that site and even if it’s a reputable, legitimate site. It could be possible that in the near future website may even get blocked to load on the browser. Ensuring that your site is padlocked improves customer trust in your site and what you do. Visitors are far more likely to do business with you or even revisit your website.

  3. Protects customer information

    An SSL certificate means that any data from the visitor is locked and can be only unlocked by the intended recipient. This means that it is protected by hackers, as the data will be unreadable to them. This is especially important if you are using a website to make payments and it is widely known that you should not enter your credit card on sites that are not secure. Even if your website does not take payments it also protects the data submitted by users in a form or a login.

How to add descriptions to images in Gmedia

How to add descriptions to images in Gmedia

Gmedia is a plugin for WordPress websites. If you have a Gmedia gallery setup and you want to add a description for your images follow these steps.

1Click on Gmedia Gallery in the sidebar.
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2Click on Albums.
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3Select the album you want to edit by click on the albums name.
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4Scroll down the page a bit until you get to the box with the images. Click the drop-down to the box that says Action and click Enter Edit Mode.
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5Here you can edit the title of all the images in the album by editing the Title box. It is recommended to have something here to explain the image.
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6For an additional description add text to the Description box. This is optional. The result below is what will be shown on the web page.
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How to delete images from Gmedia galleries

How to delete images from Gmedia galleries

Gmedia is  a plugin for WordPress websites. If you have a Gmedia gallery setup and you want to delete new images follow these steps.

1Click on Gmedia Gallery in the sidebar.
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2Click on Gmedia Library.
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3If you have many images, you want to filter them. In order to find images in a particular album click on the filter button.
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4Select Albums from the drop down.
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5Select which album you would like to see images for. Click Show Selected.
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6Scroll down until you’ve found the image you want to delete. Click Delete beside the image. You will be asked to confirm your action. Click OK if you are sure you want to delete.
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How to add images to galleries in Gmedia

How to add images to galleries in Gmedia

Gmedia is  a plugin for WordPress websites. If you have a Gmedia gallery setup and you want to add new images follow these steps.

1Click on Gmedia Gallery in the sidebar.
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2Click on Add/Import Files.
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3An upload box will then come up. Select which album the image is to go into under the Add to Album box.
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4Click on Add Files and navigate to the image on your computer that you want to add. If you want to add more than one file repeat this step. The button will now say 1 files queued click this to add more.
TIP: hold down the CTRL key on your keyboard to select more than one image.
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5When you’ve done selecting the images, click Start Upload. The images will automatically be added to the album and corresponding gallery.
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How to save a page as a draft in WordPress

How to save a page as a draft in WordPress

Sometimes you will start a post or page but it’s not ready for publishing. You will need to save this as a draft.

1In the Publish box of your new post/page, click the Save Draft button to save your work but not publish it.
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2When you are ready to publish the post/page click Publish.
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Removing a page temporarily

If you are working on a live page and you wish to remove it temporarily in order to edit it you need to change the status from published to draft.

1Click Edit in the Publish box.
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2Select Draft from the drop down box and click OK.
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3Click Update to save changes.
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If you make any further changes click Save Draft to keep it as a draft or click Publish to publish the post/page.

How to delete a post or page in WordPress

How to delete a post or page in WordPress

Have a page or post that needs deleting? Here’s how to do it.

1Select Posts or Pages in the sidebar.
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2On the list of post/pages find the one you wish to delete. Click on the Bin option.


3Alternatively, when you’re in edit mode of the post/page click Move to bin in the publish box.


Recovering a post or page which has been deleted

1Select Posts or Pages in the sidebar.
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2Click Bin at the top above your post/page listings.


3Find the post or page you deleted and click on Restore.

 The post/page will be restored from where you deleted it from.

How to edit a post or page in WordPress

How to edit a post or page in WordPress

It’s important to keep your website up to date to keep your visitors coming back. Here is an easy way to update your web page.

1Select Posts or Pages in the sidebar.
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2On the list of post/pages find the one you wish to edit. Click on the edit option.
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There are two styles of pages and the way that you edit them is different for both. If your page looks like the left, continue the steps. If your page looks like the right (with lots of boxes), jump to step 7.
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3Make sure the Visual tab is selected for easier editing.
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4Make any changes to the text.
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5If you wish to preview the changes before the page goes live, click the Preview Changes button. The page will open in another window for you to view.
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6Once you’re happy with the changes. Click the Update button. Your work will be saved and published to your website.
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7If your page is laid out into blocks, you need to edit the blocks separately. To edit a block hover your mouse over the block and when you see the word edit in the corner click it.
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8Make sure the Visual tab is selected for easier editing.
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9Make any changes to the text.
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10Click Done on the bottom right-hand corner.
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11Make any changes to the rest of the boxes in the same way. Once you’re happy with the changes click the Update button. Your work will be saved and published to your website.
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How to add a new page in WordPress

Add a new page in WordPress

It’s important to keep your website up to date and current, so you may want to add new content. Here is how to add a new page to your site.

1Click on Pages then Add New in the sidebar.


2Add a title to your page, this will be part of your website address so keep this short. Then type your content of your page, don’t forget to format it correctly with headings.

NOTE: The font here will look different to your website, but don’t worry when you view the page on your site it will use the correct font settings.


3 Click preview to see see the page before you publish it. When you are happy with what you have done click Publish.


Add the page to a menu

4Go to Appearance in the sidebar and click Menus.


5Select Pages . Tick the page(s) that you want to add then click Add to menu.


6Move the page into the correct position on the menu. If you want the page to be part of a drop down in the menu then just slide it to the right to make it a sub item.


7Click on Save Menu.
